Wheel of Fortune



Upright: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point

Reversed: Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control


The Wheel of Fortune refers to the fact that things tend to go in cycles. There are good times and there are bad times. Even if your external environment is difficult and challenging, there will come a time when this will ease off and you will be able to focus more on creating fun and frivolity. The lesson of the Wheel of Fortune is that you must accept that there are always ups and downs in life. If you were to have only good times, you would become less appreciative of what you have. Sometimes the bad times provide the contrast and perspective you need to be able to recognise how blessed you are when the good times come. So, when times are good, enjoy the benefits but do not become complacent because things can change. When times are bad, do not be discouraged because even when things seem their worst it simply suggests that things can only get better!

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that you should not simply stand still and accept what life hands you. You can take an active hand to try and remain on the upside of the Wheel. When things are down, instead of waiting and hoping for things to get better, you can work actively towards improving your situation, thereby speeding up the recovery process. Finally, the Wheel asks you to not become discouraged when faced with adversity. Adversity is a natural part of life and should be expected from time to time. The fact that bad times happen should not worry you. Accept them as natural and not necessarily indicative of problems. Instead, look for ways in which you can face and conquer the adversity. If it cannot be addressed, then that might be taken as a suggestion of a problem.

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that there are external factors that are influencing your situation that may be unknown to you or outside of your control. It is as though the Universe is just dishing up whatever it pleases at this time, and it can feel quite unpredictable and unnerving as a result (especially if you like being in control most of the time!). This is one of the challenging aspects of the Wheel of Fortune since no matter which way the Wheel of Fortune turns, it is impossible to try and change it. So, you might as well try to accept what is happening and adapt accordingly. If a crisis seems inevitable, recall that in every crisis lies opportunity. When you have been pushed in a new direction, know that every path leads somewhere, even if you do not know where it is. Such events are simply out of your control, and if you can accept that then the ride gets a lot easier. If you struggle against the Wheel it will crush you. So just go with the flow!

The Wheel of Fortune is about keeping optimistic and having faith in the Universe that it will take care of the situation in the best way possible. You need to remain optimistic yourself, thinking positively and keeping as upbeat as possible. Through meditation and visualisation, the Wheel of Fortune can assist and reinforce your intention to bring increased abundance, good fortune and prosperity into your life. This archetype allows your life to turn in more positive directions if you are willing to grow and expand. This is also a ‘lucky’ time in life when you are sensing the action of fate and destiny working in your favour. You may even be witnessing miracles or a very fortunate series of events.

The Wheel represents karma and reminds you that ‘what goes around comes around’. In the upright position, you are likely to be at the positive end but again, do not become complacent. You still need to act in ways that are fundamentally ‘good’ to ensure that luck or positivity stays on your side.

The Wheel of Fortune speaks of a pivotal point in your life, where new options become possible. The appearance of the Wheel of Fortune shows that change is not only likely to happen, it is certain to happen, and soon. Generally the change shown in the Wheel of Fortune is a dramatic change from the established order. These changes are distinctly personal and may require making a first step on a new and unfamiliar path. You may also need to alter your present course, move things in a different direction or turn things around to ensure that you are creating the right outcomes in your life.

A great affirmation for the Wheel of Fortune is, “Through all the changes that the Universe brings, I feel the centre of stability which is within me.”


When the Wheel of Fortune is reversed, luck is not on your side. There has been a turn of events that are not in your favour sending you into a tail spin and changing your world significantly, seemingly for the worst. Oftentimes, the reversed Wheel of Fortune indicates that there are negative forces at play that are outside of your control, leaving you feeling helpless and powerless. However, while there have been some unfortunate circumstances that are outside of your control, the run of bad luck that you are experiencing may also be as a result of poor decisions you have made in the past. Think about what actions you have taken recently and whether these may have contributed to your present circumstances. What can you do to improve your luck and regain control of your destiny? Despite the setbacks, learn from the cycle of life and be prepared for such ups and downs in the future. Accept responsibility for your current and future situation, and look for ways that you can create more positive outcomes.

The reversed Wheel of Fortune can also reflect resistance to change, particularly if change is being forced upon you. The appearance of this card suggests that change has become a source of significant stress for you and you may be trying to consciously or subconsciously stop events from running their course.

This is also not a time to be taking risks as you may not come out a winner. You may need to be more cautious than before, taking more time to assess your options and to select the safest bet.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The Hermit



Upright: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance

Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal


The Hermit suggests that you are in a phase of introspection where you are drawing your attention and focus inward and looking for answers within. You have a strong need to understand, not just at the surface level but to really know why life is the way it is. The Hermit reflects that your consciousness has moved inward and you now realise that the truth and understanding you seek is within yourself and not in the distractions of the outside world. This is a perfect time to take a step back from your day-to-day life and deeply contemplate your motivations, personal principles and values.

The Hermit reflects that you are engaging in a period of soul searching. You want to seek the truth at all costs. You desire a new direction in life and, as a result, have recently begun a journey of self-discovery and contemplation. There comes a point in life when we begin to question the status quo, knowing that there is a deeper meaning to life, and thus, we begin to search for it. This search is mainly a solitary quest because the answers do not lie in the external world but within us. Thus, the Hermit indicates a time when you seek solitude and isolation from others. You need to be alone and you want to withdraw from the world around you. This is so that you can retreat further into your own private world and experience a deep sense of seclusion.

Through meditation, contemplation and self-examination, you may begin to re-evaluate your personal goals and change your overall direction. You will look at your life with a deeper, more spiritual understanding and will begin to change some of your priorities as a result. There is a certain level of spiritual attainment that is associated with the Hermit. This suggests that you need to develop the true power of a spiritual master through deep introspection. Be content with being alone or associate only with those on your level. Do not waste time and energy on those not ready or not worthy.

The Hermit represents the desire to turn away from a consumerist or materialistic society to focus on the inner world. Have you ever seen the movie or read the book, “Into the Wild”? After graduating from university, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness on his own. Whilst his story has a sad and tragic ending, his journey into the wild reminds me a lot of the Hermit, who seeks answers within and knows that they will come only with quiet and solitude.

The Hermit has learned to help others with love and compassionate detachment. This card indicates that you have gone beyond the point of being critical and you can now understand and appreciate that the varied paths people choose for themselves all lead to the same higher purpose. You have reached a high enough level of spiritual attainment yourself that you no longer need to convince others of what they should do. You can honour silence and allow your inner light to shine out towards others as a means of communication.

Meditating on the Hermit teaches you to honour the wisdom within yourself. You must find your own light, shine it on your soul and create your own special path. Through meditation and visualisation, the Hermit allows you to get in touch with the wise person inherent within you.


The reversed Hermit can go one of two ways. You are either not taking enough time for personal reflection, or you are taking too much. If you are struggling to connect more deeply with your spiritual self, the Hermit reversed encourages you to create more time and space so that you can meditate and reflect on your spiritual self. It is time to go more deeply into your inner being and rediscover your greater meaning and purpose on this earth. You may have been so busy dealing with the day-to-day issues that you have forgotten to reflect inwardly and listen to your inner voice. The Hermit asks you to search deep within your soul to help you find your way again and to focus on rebuilding yourself on a spiritual level.

If you have already been spending a lot of time reflecting on your inner self, then the appearance of the reversed Hermit may suggest that you are spending too much time alone in excessive isolation. You are literally becoming a hermit and cutting yourself off from others. While this period is helping you on a spiritual level, you may be feeling temporarily isolated and alone. Do not underestimate the value of staying connected with others, even while you are going through your own spiritual journey. Be mindful, too, of other people’s needs. You do not want to become so absorbed in yourself and your personal dilemmas that you shut out your family and friends.

In a relationship reading, the reversed Hermit can indicate unwelcome isolation. For example, one person may want to be alone or may be withdrawing from the relationship, while the other person wants to deepen the connection. You will need to respect each other’s request for space but also be there to support as appropriate. Alternatively, the idea of being alone and on your own is so daunting and unappealing at this time that you do everything in your power to stay together. Even if there are challenges in the relationship, you both do not want to be apart from each other as separation will only bring a feeling of emptiness. It is almost too soon to be apart and you still both want to work things out together. If you have separated already, then the Hermit reversed may indicate that you are ready to explore a reconnection as you have found that you have had long enough on your own.

If you are currently single, you may be growing tired of being alone, and instead strongly desire a relationship or close connection at this time.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont




Upright: Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion

Reversed: Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline


This card represents strength, determination, and power in a manner similar to the Chariot. However, the differences between the two cards are obvious. Where the Chariot represents outer strength and will, the Strength card represents inner strength and the power of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle. Strength is about knowing that you can endure life’s obstacles by drawing upon your inner strength and confidence. You have great stamina and persistence, tempered by an underlying patience and inner calm. You are focused on what you need to do, and you go about it in a way that demonstrates great composure and maturity.

Strength also reflects a compassionate approach. You are like the woman in this card who offers love and patience to the ferocious lion in order to be able to tame him. You give others space and you are tolerant of their needs. You are accepting and can easily forgive any imperfections. In doing this, you create a safe and trusting environment where you can then gently influence others. This demonstrates a level of ‘soft’ control, persuading and coaxing others to your way of thinking.

The qualities of Strength are already in you, waiting to appear once you have mastered all your raw, foundational emotions and when you are ready to move on to the spiritual tasks that lie ahead. Its main lesson is that emotions must be transcended if spiritual wisdom and intuition are to be awakened. Your inner voice is often drowned out by the constant noise of emotion and preoccupation with fear. Only once you have eliminated these raw emotions can you begin to create the silence you need. So conquer your fears, control your impulses, and never lose patience with yourself or what you are doing. Eventually you will see the wisdom of letting go of your lower self. The Strength archetype teaches you that you have the strength to tame the beasts within yourself. Meditating on this card can assist your process of honouring and experiencing the inherent strength that is within your nature.

Strength shows a balance of the aspects of you that are human, animal and divine. It may seem impossible but love, kindness and a brave heart can bring them into balance. This is a time when you need to be very conscious of your instinctual urges and reactions, and bring them into balance with the greater good and meaning in life. This is not a time to act out in rage or in hatred but instead to look at the situation from a place of love and compassion.

The Strength card represents a higher level of consciousness that allows you to take responsibility for yourself, so that you can master yourself and your world. The Strength card reminds us that inside each of us is a passionate and instinctual side that, depending on the person, will either burst out frequently or infrequently. If you are one of those people who acts impulsively or irrationally, and who blurts out angry comments or negative things to others, the Strength card calls on you to try to tame yourself. The woman in this card is calmly subduing the lion by offering peace, love, and warmth. You may need to do the same to prevent yourself from leaping out at others and saying some things you might later regret.

Strength offers you the hope of connecting with both your inner and outer strength. It asks you to find the confidence within yourself to present yourself to the world as strong, assertive, and persevering. If you have been self-doubting, Strength gives you the confidence to fight those doubts. Additionally, if you are feeling worn out or stressed, Strength says to you, “Things are going to get better! You are going to find the strength within yourself and within others to keep going!” When Strength appears in a reading, you can be assured that you have enough endurance to see this task through to its eventual end. If you are pushing too hard, Strength shows the need to withdraw for the moment, and to be patient. Enlightenment will come only when the time is right – it cannot be rushed.

With the Strength card, it is clear that strength and courage will be applied to all your endeavours. Results may be slow in coming but you will hold your own, get a lot accomplished and summon up enough energy to do what it takes to get the job done. One way or another, you will be recognised or rewarded for your efforts.


Strength reversed indicates weakness. You may have recently experienced a setback, or you are questioning your own journey and whether you are on the right track. Your inner strength and courage is lacking right now and you are feeling inadequate and vulnerable as a result. While these feelings may seem very real when you are in the moment, you will soon come to realise that they exist only to remind you that you are only temporarily out of touch with your inner strength. You need to remember that your core strength will always be with you and now is as good a time as any to reconnect with this core strength. Look towards the positive aspects in your life to reinvigorate self-confidence and self-esteem. Return to the lesson of the Chariot, where you need to draw upon your willpower, focus and determination in order to overcome your obstacles and be victorious.

Similarly, the reversed Strength card suggests that you may be starting to doubt yourself and lose some self-esteem and self-confidence. Instead of taking the lead and manifesting your goals, you may be engaging in self-doubt and becoming dependent on others’ feelings and actions that then dictate your own.

Strength is also related to inner control and, in its reversed position, suggests that you may be giving in to your instinctual reactions and lacking the self-discipline you need. Aggression may be an issue and, as such an anger management course may be a good path forward for you. You need to exercise more control over your raw emotions to ensure that you do not lash out at others and later regret your actions and words.

In a relationship reading, the reversed Strength card may indicate that you doubt yourself and feel as if you are not ‘good enough’ for the relationship. You may not feel completely secure in the relationship and often question whether your partner really has strong feelings for you. This may lead you to be someone other than your true self, someone who is worried, anxious or overly protective about the relationship.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The Chariot



Upright: Control, will power, victory, assertion, determination

Reversed: Lack of control and direction, aggression


The Chariot represents conquest, victory and overcoming opposition through your confidence and control. Any success will be a result of applying these factors to the situation. You will need to use the strength of your willpower to overcome any obstacles or challenges in your way. You may even find that by leveraging any opposing forces surrounding you at this time you can use them to your advantage. You must be determined, self-disciplined, and hard working. If you are, you will triumph over any difficulties or anyone who is trying to limit you. This struggle will ultimately make you stronger.

You will be successful at pursuing your goals, so long as you maintain focus, determination and confidence in your abilities. You need to focus completely on the task at hand, get in the race and win it. You have to dominate and beat the competition. You must cultivate the ability to withstand the rigours of what is required. In fact, striving towards your goal can be as satisfying as attaining it. This is a time to be strong and in control. You must also draw upon your willpower and selfdiscipline.

You may be wondering if you should pursue a plan or continue a project but you will be driven to do so, and your perplexing dilemma will be resolved for the time being.

The Chariot requires you to assert yourself and be bold. You may need to look after yourself at this time and be confident in expressing your needs and wants, otherwise you will not get your way. You need to have faith in yourself and know fundamentally who you are and what you stand for (thus building off the personal belief systems and values established through the Lovers card).

Sometimes, the Chariot asks you to come to terms with your own aggressive impulses. Aggression is part of human nature, part of your innate survival mechanism. Aggression cannot be simply suppressed; to do so will only turn it inward on yourself, leaving it to manifest itself in the form of physical illness. Aggression can be very destructive but it is also a powerful energy that can be channelled creatively. This is a time when you need to be the master of your emotions and curb any impulses or anger. You need to show who is the boss and achieve control of the situation but this will also require you to be in control of yourself.

The Chariot can also represent a lot of driving and even a road trip. You may even be considering buying an RV and heading off across the country!


Reversed, the Chariot suggests that you are feeling as if you have very little control over your life. You may have lost steering power over the opposing forces and you are now at their mercy. You may feel dragged through time, in whatever direction fate takes you. If you are someone who likes to have some control over your destiny and to know where you are heading, this is the time to tighten the reins and become more disciplined and focused on what you are doing. While the feeling of loss of power can be quite demoralising, the key is to look at what you can control and what you cannot control. Do not allow yourself to be worried about what is out of your control as there is nothing you can do about it. Instead, focus your energies on what IS in your control. Examine what you can do to change the situation. At this stage, you need to be able to feel as if you have at least some direction, because currently you feel pushed and pulled around in the sea of fate.

The Chariot reversed also suggests that you are collapsing under pressure and losing your selfcontrol. Your aggression is being channelled in the wrong direction, wildly at other people, at fate, at external circumstances. This is a complete waste of your energy and resources. Redefine your aggression as determination and willpower, stop clinging weakly to unrewarding ideas, habits, people, and objects and move forward.

You may be feeling that up until this point, you have been at the beck and call of others and have been forced to deal with other people’s issues. You may have felt a loss of personal control, as if life was just being ‘done’ to you. As a result, you have lost some of your confidence and personal power, and you may be feeling directionless. You seek greater control over your life and you are determined not to let others influence you as significantly as they have in the past. You want a mind of your own and you want to steer your life in the direction YOU wish to, not what someone else wants.

The Chariot reversed may also suggest that you need to be more comfortable with not always being in control. There are going to be moments in the future where you feel as though aspects of your life are out of your hands. Be open to spontaneity and new experiences, even if it is not aligned to your original plan. Do not be afraid to let someone else steer for a period of time and take you on new adventures. You do not always have to be in the driver’s seat!

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The Lovers



Upright: Love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices

Reversed: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values


The Lovers represent perfection, harmony and mutual attractiveness. Their trust in one another gives them strength and confidence to overcome the obstacles in life. The bond that the two lovers has created is incredibly strong and is often reflective of a marriage, soul mate connection or very intimate and close relationship.

The Lovers can also indicate a very strong sexual connection that goes beyond instant gratification and lust to suggest a very deep desire and passion that exists between two beings. The physical attraction is strong and so too is the desire to be intimate with one another.

On a more personal level, the Lovers card represents the establishment of a personal belief system and becoming clearer about your own values. This is a time when you are figuring out what you stand for and what your personal philosophy on life is. Having gone through the indoctrination of the Hierophant, you are now ready to establish your own belief system and make up your own mind about what is and what is not important in life. This is also a time when you need to stay true to yourself and be as authentic and genuine as possible.

The Lovers also represents choices on a grand scale. A dilemma will be presented demanding an action or decision, and you will want to decipher the best way to proceed or make the right choice. Something is going to change your plans or the course of your experience, something that may look negative on the surface but will later prove to be a blessing in disguise.

When the Lovers card appears in a reading, it is important to think about what decisions and choices you are facing. The fact that the Lovers is a Major Arcana card indicates that these decisions or choices are incredibly important and significant so it is essential that you choose the right path. There may be an easy option available but you will need to ask yourself whether this is the right path for you in the long run. Oftentimes, it is the more difficult path that will bring you the greatest benefit, particularly on a deeper level.

If you find yourself at a moral crossroads where you must choose between taking the moral high ground or the low ground, then you need to consider all consequences before acting. The Lovers card highlights that your own value system is being challenged, and you must make a definite choice based on that system. The choices are never really easy or obvious, either. Unlike the Fool’s choice which has no wrong answer, the choice of the Lovers is very much right or wrong because one of those options will almost certainly take you down a negative path. Thus, it is wise to seek higher guidance before making your final decision. You must be completely honest with yourself in the situation. Do not take things strictly on face value but deeply examine your motives, your feelings, your options and your personal values.


The Lovers reversed indicates that you are avoiding responsibility for the consequences of your own actions. You have made a rushed decision based purely on your desire for instant gratification and now you are trying to lay the blame on others or on fate. You must do what you can to make amends but if this is not possible, let the past go and resolve to make better choices in the future.

The Lovers reversed can also indicate inner conflicts and being at war with yourself rather than with external forces. It suggests disharmony and difficulty in being able to balance your own inner union. Perhaps you are punishing yourself for something you have done or feel responsible for? To help you out of this situation, you will need to focus on clearly articulating your personal belief systems and values. This will help to guide you in making better decisions next time. In addition, you may need to return to the energy of the Hierophant and seek the counsel and advice of an institution or spiritual mentor.

In a relationship reading, the Lovers reversed indicates that there may be some imbalance. You may feel that a once-close union is starting to fragment and break down. Your vibrations with each other may be out of tune, and you may feel as though you are both out of harmony. Despite an immense amount of potential when you first met, this potential is now being brought into question. You are starting to realise that your values are actually different and your visions of the future are different. These fundamental differences may be a showstopper for the relationship if they cannot be resolved.

The Lovers reversed may also reflect that the feelings within a relationship are not mutual. One person in the partnership may have stronger feelings than the other and may be more emotionally involved. This could lead to disappointments later down the track and feelings of insecurity about the relationship. You may be reluctant to open your heart up to the relationship for fear of getting hurt.

You need to be aware that an imbalance in your relationships exists. With this in mind, you can alter your behaviour to accommodate being out of sync with your partner or someone else who is important in your life. Work hard to bring things back to the level point and do not allow things to get out of control. You may be experiencing a slight downturn at this stage but it certainly does not mean it is all over! Simply try to maintain the balance and harmonise your union together.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The Hierophant



Upright: Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs

Reversed: Restriction, challenging the status quo


The Hierophant is very conventional and suggests that you have a desire to follow due process and to stay within the conventional bounds of what is typically an orthodox approach. Instead of being innovative, you will need to adapt to the existing set of beliefs and systems that are already in place. You will need to do what is expected of you. This is certainly not a time to challenge the status quo!

The Hierophant suggests that you may be wise to follow established social structures and traditions. You may be involved in some sort of ritual, ceremony, or the trappings of religion. There is also a need to honour some tradition in your life, or maybe start some traditions of your own if you have none. Consider also exploring your spiritual or religious heritage.

In readings, the Hierophant often stands for institutions and their values. The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance can show that you are dealing with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual but is instead fixated on the ‘way we have always done things around here’. Groups can be enriching or stifling depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need to follow a program or embrace tradition, while at other times we need to trust ourselves.

You may feel compelled to join some sort of group or institution. It may be as significant as joining a new church or religious group, or as simple as joining a gym. This card is about identifying with a group and a way of thinking that will have benefit for you and will prompt further learning.

In his focus on sharing knowledge through an institution, the Hierophant represents education and the pursuit of knowledge. This card can indicate a period of increased studying and learning, through formal mechanisms. You seek to understand a field of study that has been widely explored and documented, and so you may go to a well-known or established teacher to find out more.

The Hierophant may also appear in your life as a psychotherapist, a wise counsellor, a priest, or a spiritual mentor to whom you will turn for wisdom and knowledge. He may be an authority or a kind and generous mentor who nurtures a spiritual awareness. You will learn new skills from this helpful teacher as he has the wisdom to provide good counsel and advice.

The Hierophant represents an institutionalised means for accessing the sacred and is the carrier and transmitter of ancient wisdom and religious teaching. He represents a link between us and the Divine and, for this reason, he is often referred to as the Pope. The role of the Pope is traditionally that of the mediator between God and mankind. As such, the Hierophant represents the spiritual teacher who helps us come into contact with the Divine. Unlike the Magician, who simply points the way, the Hierophant is a trusted guide, one who will take us by the hand and lead us to our spiritual goal. He represents a gateway to a higher consciousness reached in a ritualised manner. He teaches that which can be learned by word and example.

All things that are righteous and sacred come with the Hierophant – marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy and goodness, inner conscience and outer conscience.


The Hierophant reversed indicates that you are feeling restricted or constrained by structure and rules, and as a result, you have lost a lot of flexibility and control in your life. You have a strong desire to go against the grain and break free from convention. You may be tempted to go about your business in an unorthodox manner, to do something that is out of character or against social norms. The Hierophant reversed is about breaking the rules and challenging the status quo. You no longer accept the rigid structures, tradition and dogma surrounding you, and now seek out opportunities to rebel and retaliate. You want to challenge ideas and concepts that you once thought of as written in stone.

The reversed Hierophant is about questioning tradition and asking yourself whether what you are doing is really the right thing by you. You may have been running on automatic so far and following the crowd but now you realise that perhaps things are not the way they seem and changes need to be made.

In this way, the Hierophant reversed is like a rebellious teenager or young adult who begins to question society and participate in political activities. There may be a run-in with authorities or conflict with a parent or authoritative figure.

The reversed Hierophant can sometimes reflect societal or group pressure. You are being forced to conform but you do not agree with the fundamental belief systems.

The Hierophant can also represent a person who is in a leadership role or position of authority. He may indicate a religious leader, a father figure, or even a boss at work. When the Hierophant is reversed, you may find that this person is ruling with an iron fist, forcing others to conform and abide by the rules, afraid to step out and do something different or challenge the status quo. If this person is ‘in charge’ then you may have little choice but to follow.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The Emperor



♛ Upright: Authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation

Reversed: Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility


♛ The Emperor is the father figure of the Tarot deck. He is the ‘provider’ and protects and defends his loved ones. He has established a solid family line and is often seen as the patriarch of a wide network of family members. He offers guidance, advice and wisdom to others and in doing so, demonstrates authority and grounding. His wisdom is obtained through worldly, life experience. He has ‘been there, done that’, and has the battle armour to prove it. He takes what he has learned, and passes it on to the next generation, so someday they can be as wise and powerful as he is. He brings security and comfort to those around him.

♛ The Emperor is also representative of structure and stability. He is able to create order out of chaos by carefully categorising his thoughts and mapping out what needs to be done to solve the problem. He is a systematic and strategic thinker and is highly organised and coordinated in his approach. He sticks to a plan and ensures he sees it out until the end. Thus, this card indicates that you have a strong desire to see your ideas manifested on the physical plane in the form of material gain or accomplishment. An opportunity will arrive that could be the foundation of a very successful future.

♛ The Emperor reflects rules and regulations. He establishes law and order by applying principles or guidelines to a specific situation. He likes to operate within a defined structure with set boundaries. He respects routine and follows a specific regimen or discipline.

♛ Domination of the mind over the heart is sometimes unwanted or best avoided but with the Emperor, it is necessary and even welcomed. If you are facing difficult choices, you must maintain your concentration and focus. Enjoy the assertiveness and confidence that this self-control and focus brings. Push ahead and do what you know is best. Know that if you can master yourself then you should have little problem mastering the world and everything in it.

♛ The Emperor is a powerful leader who demands authority and dominance. He is most comfortable in a leadership role where he can command and direct others. He likes to be in a position of strength, where he can exert control and bring a sense of organisation to his activities. He often represents a solid establishment that is built on strong foundations. As a leader, he rules with a firm but fair hand. He will listen to the advice of others but he will always have the final say. He is not afraid of war and/or conflict and he will not hesitate to use his force and power to protect those he cares about. The privileged few whom he favours always repay him with the loyalty and respect he deserves.

♛ The Emperor heralds status, success and recognition. You will have an earnest desire to be recognised as a strong figure of unquestioned achievement and authority. You will want to be known as the dominant force, the leader and the ‘expert’. Focus your attention completely on your goal and be very careful not to reveal any weaknesses or personal doubt.

♛ If you come across the Emperor in your own life, then you will need to be ready to impress! The Emperor administers and governs the area you wish to enter. You cannot achieve your dreams and goals without this person’s blessing. With the Emperor’s support, you will have a much better chance of actualising your dream and you can begin to benefit from the established structure he has formed.

♛ Sometimes, the Emperor can represent the power of the government or a decision-making body. Within yourself, there is also a force that governs your actions. These forces are will power and selfcontrol. You may have discussions concerning contractual agreements, profit sharing, subsidies or management.


♛ Reversed, the Emperor can suggest that there is an over-use and abuse of authoritative power surrounding you at this time. He can be incredibly domineering and rigid in his thinking. It could be originating from you or from another person, often a boss, partner or a father-figure. There may be an insecure man throwing his weight around who has a need for control.

♛ You may feel powerless when the Emperor reversed appears in a reading. Dealing with authority is fraught with difficulties at this time and whether this manifests as a dominant partner, problems with your father or battles with officials, you do not seem to be making any headway. Paradoxically, freedom lies within such structures now. This is not the time to rebel, instead try to get in touch with your own need to control events and deal with any problems logically.

♛ Sometimes, the reversed Emperor asks you to stand up to authority and to know that you do not always have to go about matters in the most traditional way. You may be fed up with an overbearing boss or a hierarchical organisation and you will be compelled to enter a more flexible and adaptive environment. You may also be inspired to work independently, perhaps even starting up your own business in order to be free of corporate life and oppressive bosses!

♛ If the reversed Emperor comes up in a career reading, you may be at a point now where you want to avoid having to deal with this type of person and you are now ready to embrace something new. You may also be seeking a career where you can have greater flexibility and creativity in how you complete your work. You are sick of having to always work within the confines of a particular structure or way of doing things and you want to break free of this.

♛ As a career aspiration, the Emperor reversed indicates that you are trying to avoid the energies of the Emperor in your future career direction. You may find that having to take an authoritarian role every day just does not sit well with you anymore. You want to free yourself from the routine and the structures that have permeated your life and held you back. You want to provide yourself with greater freedom to explore your creativity, rather than getting bogged down in the detail and the routine.

♛ On a personal level, the reversed Emperor can indicate that you lack self-control, ambition and the ability to deal with any kind of authority. In fact, you probably show contempt for any kind of order. However, you may need to bring more structure into your life at this time. Things may have gotten quite chaotic recently and now it is time to bring about order once again.

♛ In a relationship reading, the reversed Emperor suggests that you may be in an unequal relationship and this is making you unhappy in the long-term. Your partner has become overbearing, possessive, dominating and authoritative. While you may have been looking for a partner to take care of you and provide a stable foundation for the future, it has gone too far now and you feel as though much of your independence and freedom have been taken away. Your partner has become stubborn, rules-based, argumentative and highly structured. This is putting strain on the relationship and preventing a creative flow of energies to flow between you. He/she feels benevolently toward you but has inflexible expectations of you.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The Empress



♛ Upright: Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance

♛ Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others


♛ The Empress shows a deep connection with our femininity. Femininity translates in many ways – beauty, sensuality, fertility, creative expression, nurturing – and is necessary in creating balance in both men and women. The Empress calls on you to connect with your feminine energy. Create beauty in your life. Get in touch with your sensuality through taste, touch, sound, smell and sight. Draw on these senses to experience pleasure and deep fulfilment. Treat yourself to a day spa, learn massage, enjoy a fine dining experience, or simply spend more time with your partner. Discover new ways to creatively express yourself, be it through painting, music, drama, or other art forms. This may be the perfect time to take up a new hobby that enables you to access this part of yourself.

♛ The Empress may also indicate pregnancy or birth. Look to other cards in the reading to confirm if this is an actual pregnancy or birth (for example, the Ace or Page of Cups or the Four of Wands) or if it is metaphorical (for example, the Ace of Wands). On a metaphorical level, the Empress may represent the birth of a new idea, a product, or a new way of being. New ideas and projects will be implemented resulting in the success of all your projects and interests. Bring forth those ideas that have been growing and developing inside of you.

♛ The Empress encourages you to spend time in nature. Use your holiday time not to stay in fancy hotels in busy cities but to explore nature by pitching a tent or hiking through its beautiful terrain. Allow yourself the time and the space to enter into a different frame of mind in which you can truly connect with Mother Earth and receive her into your heart and mind. Take a trip to your favourite natural setting, be it a forest, beach, mountain or lake and simply sit for a couple of minutes, hours or even days to breathe in the energy that surrounds you while marvelling in the beauty of the earth. The Empress highlights that you are grounded in the material plane (a stabilising influence), yet you can reach into higher planes of consciousness through your connection with nature. You have the potential to connect between the Earth and the Universe.

♛ The Empress is a deeply nurturing and caring card. If you are a mother yourself, you may be exploring your ‘mother’ role even more deeply than you have before and truly appreciating the gift that has been bestowed upon you. You are blessed by maternal, protective forces or influences. For fathers, the Empress encourages you to nurture your children and open the lines of communication between you and your child. Encourage growth and development of your children, and be there to support and guide when needed.

♛ More broadly, the Empress encourages you to connect with others by nurturing, caring and supporting those around you. Find ways to support dialogue and open communication, creating a space to openly express your feelings.

♛ When we allow ourselves to truly experience the connections with Mother Earth, our femininity and those around us, we create abundance and radiance in our lives. Take a moment to reflect on the love that surrounds you and build on this energy to create even more abundant love in your life. Know that love is limitless. A wonderful affirmation associated with the Empress is, “I bring forth my creations with joy. I love and nurture them to fruition.”

♛ Similarly, the Empress indicates that the Universal energy is about to intervene in your life. It may be just enough to give you a glimpse of a miracle or it may be even more. You may or may not know whom or what brings such good fortune but the care and nurturing that will result come as no accident. What appears to be coincidental good luck may actually be the result of a series of good choices you have made. It is your turn to have things work out in your favour, to be blessed and to feel nurtured. Know that you are worthy of receiving this loving embrace.


♛ Reversed, the Empress suggests a loss of personal power through placing too much emphasis on another person’s emotional or material needs, thus neglecting your own. The reversed position of this card deals with indecisiveness concerning others and confusion about the direction a relationship may be taking. You may also be finding it difficult to work cooperatively with others. The reason for this lack of harmony is likely to be within you and therefore introspection is required.

♛ In a relationship reading, the Empress reversed suggests that you are feeling very challenged because you do not have an avenue to express your true thoughts and feelings and you are obliged to bottle a lot of it up inside. Have you got a close friend in whom you can confide? You need to share your feelings with someone so that you can understand them and get in touch with your inner self. This card can also suggest a dependence on other people’s feelings, indicating that you may be playing a waiting game now to see how your partner reacts and what emotion he/she displays. It is best not to do this but instead work through your own emotions independently of him or her.

♛ If you are struggling in a relationship, the first step for you is to take some time to yourself in order to restore your energy levels and your belief in yourself. Unfortunately, your past relationships have impacted how you see yourself and your ability to truly love and trust another person. As a result, you may be doubting your inner beauty and losing your inspiration for creating beautiful, loving relationships.

♛ You may also be overprotective of someone you love and this is straining your relationship. Be mindful that you are not becoming a smothering, demanding mother. Are you ‘mothering’ your partner, friends, or family too much? Be careful not to overdraw on the characteristics of the upright Empress. You may need to follow the example of the High Priestess who listens to her inner psyche for the answers.

♛ More generally, the Empress reversed indicates that you are feeling discontented because something is missing or lacking in your life, or because you want to find something creative, meaningful or fulfilling to do but you do not know what. This card can indicate a creative block. You may find your mood is depressed or negative. Work can feel laborious and mundane. This is not a time to think, act or do. You are already overloaded and mental pursuits will not give you what you need. Further attempts to follow your intellect or reasoning mind will only cause frustration or lead you astray.

♛ The Empress reversed may also indicate issues with pregnancy, whether it is infertility or an unwanted pregnancy.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The High Priestess



♛ Upright: Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind

♛ Reversed: Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice


♛ The High Priestess represents wisdom, serenity, knowledge and understanding. She is often described as the guardian of the unconscious. She sits in front of the thin veil of awareness, which is all that separates us from our inner selves. She knows the secret of how to access these realms. She represents spiritual enlightenment and inner illumination, divine knowledge and wisdom. She has a deep, intuitive understanding of the Universe and uses this knowledge to teach rather than to try to control others. She generally appears when you need to listen to and trust your inner voice.

♛ The High Priestess represents a link to the subconscious mind, which cannot be accessed through the everyday world but only through dreams and symbols. When this card appears in a reading, pay attention to your dreams and intuition. Look for areas in your life that may be out of balance or that require greater foresight and wisdom. Knowledge of how to fix it will not come through logic or intellect but through your intuition so put aside a time when you can meditate and listen to your own inner voice. Your intuitive sense right now is providing you with useful and helpful information and is assisting you to become more in touch with your subconscious mind.

♛ For a male especially, he must learn of his ‘anima’ or female side, or he will fail to grow. For a woman, she must learn to trust herself and to be truly feminine, rather than succumbing to the pressures of having to act more like her male counterparts.

♛ The High Priestess can also point to the unknown and can indicate that your life is changing. Things that once seemed certain can no longer be taken for granted. Some puzzling mysteries become clearer but all is not yet revealed at this point. On the plus side, you will find that your intuitive powers are increasing and you may be inspired to be creative. This is therefore a particularly good card for poets and writers.


♛ The High Priestess reversed can signify that you are not listening to your inner voice and may need to take time for reflection and meditation. It is as though your intuition is calling out to you but for some reason you have switched off and are no longer really listening to what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Think of the High Priestess as the calm centre inside of you that is untouched by your external world and know that she is always there when you need her. She is a part of you that you have not had much time to connect with but she is an important part of you. Whenever you feel that things are just getting too crazy and you are faced with impossible choices, find a quiet space and listen to your inner voice. If you stop thinking about your issues or just give yourself some space and time of ‘nothingness’, the answer will come to you without having to even think about it. So, try listening to the ‘nothingness’ and see what comes to you. There are some very important answers that lie within that you can access right now.

♛ The reversed High Priestess also suggests that you are normally an intuitive person who is connected with your inner self but in recent times you have lost this connection. You may be rushing around and worrying excessively about external issues and other people’s problems that you have lost focus on your own needs. You are not listening to your inner guidance anymore and this is leading you further astray. The strong message here is that you need to take some time out for YOU and you only, so that you can tune into your inner voice and connect once again with your subconscious mind. Meditation or spiritual study may help.

♛ This card can also represent repressed feelings, an over-reliance on the opinions of others and an excessive need for approval and validation. What is needed is greater confidence in yourself and a deeper ‘knowing’ that you have the answers already within you and do not need the validation of others.

♛ If the High Priestess appears reversed in your reading, it can indicate that you have been gaining occult knowledge on a superficial level without any comprehension of its true significance, perhaps merely to impress others. It can also indicate that you have not been listening to your intuition or have been trying to ignore something that you know deep down is true. In either case this will cause problems for you. On a deeper level, the High Priestess reversed can mean that you have failed to come to terms with yourself as a woman. If you are a man, it can indicate a damaging refusal to accept the feminine, emotional, intuitive side of yourself.

♛ Finally, the secretive nature of the High Priestess can be turned into the negative with the reversal of this card, indicating that there may be gossip, hidden agendas and issues going on under the surface. Demand to know the truth and prevent others from ‘beating around the bush’ and keeping secrets and other information from you.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont

The Magician



♛ Upright: Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness

Reversed: Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents


♛ The Magician typically appears at a time in your life when you have the creative power and energy to create a new life cycle for yourself. You have the ability to take the power of the Universe and manifest your desires. A situation has been (or soon will be) presented to you that has all the inherent components to allow the manifestation of your desires. Those desires may be spiritual (fire), physical (earth), emotional (water), or mental (air), and are each aligned with the four elements of the Tarot. You have the ability to make it happen!

♛ With the Magician, you are inspired to apply skill and initiative to accomplish all your goals. You have a strong desire to begin something new, to ‘do, act, or go forth’. A ‘can-do’ attitude and strong sense of optimism will dominate a new beginning and thus the decisions that you make will have positive results.

♛ The Magician sees you creating success in everything that you do. This is a card about manifesting your goals by utilising the skills, tools and resources that are available to you. You will come up with creative ways to solve problems and you will be able to use your existing knowledge and networks to arrive at solutions.

♛ The Magician is a good omen when you have a specific wish, when you begin a project involving creativity, or when you need to make a transformation of any kind. This is a great card for meditation when you need to call all the elements for help and wisdom.

♛ The Magician indicates that you can benefit from your creative forces if you can claim your power and act with awareness and concentration. This card is a signal to act consciously and act now provided you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it. You need to know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Be clear about your underlying motives and intentions.

♛ This is also a card of deep concentration on a specific task or activity. You need to be focused on a single goal or purpose at this time and you need to channel all of your energy, tools and resources towards this one goal. Commitment to the task is essential and as such, you will need to eliminate any distractions that will take your focus away from what you want to achieve.

♛ The Magician shows that you are doing a great job at pulling together all of the skills, resources and tools that are available to you in order to bring about an outcome that suits you. You are keeping a very pragmatic head about you and you are trying to remain as objective and ‘can-do’ as possible, even if you are worried on the inside. Keep this up as it will help you to create as much success as possible. Keep thinking about what other skills and resources you can use and keep focused on the task at hand.


♛ Reversed, the Magician can indicate greed, deceit, manipulation and using one’s skill and ability for negative ends. It can reflect trickery and cunning, untrustworthiness and mental confusion.

♛ The reversed Magician may represent your typical used-car salesman. He uses his charm and his power in a manipulative manner to convince you of his point of view. Always be careful of this type. Make sure you know what you are buying into rather than being swept away by the excitement he generates.

♛ The Magician reversed often suggests that you may be out of touch with reality and struggling to bring yourself back down to earth. There may be confusion, impatience and lack of a clear plan. You need to return to the lesson of the Fool and free yourself from the current situation in order to give yourself some perspective and reassess the situation. Ask yourself, where am I focusing my energy? Are my objectives clear? What skills and abilities are needed in this situation? How am I communicating with others? What do I want others to believe or see about me?

♛ The Magician reversed shows that you have a lot of skills, talents and abilities that are not being utilised at the moment and you feel as if your true potential is not being maximised. You may be feeling that you have so much more to give, that there are skills or talents that you have gained over the years that you are not using right now. There is something that you know you are very good at but you have not allowed yourself the opportunity to really nurture and explore this skill. You will already know what these talents are, so ask yourself, “Why am I not putting these talents to good use? What is getting in the way of drawing upon my skills and abilities and reaching my full potential? What needs to change in order to be the best person I can be?” You will need to find opportunities where you can tap into this unused skill and bring it into the conscious mind.

♛ Similarly, the Magician reversed in a spiritual reading suggests that you have a particular skill or talent that could help your spiritual journey but you are not yet using this skill. For example, you may be studying the Tarot and reading for friends and family but what you do not realise is that you have a real talent for reading Tarot and could be reading professionally for a much wider audience. If you were to expand your Tarot reading, you may find that it also has benefits for your own spiritual journey. You may also be keen to pursue new spiritual interests, particularly if your current path is not fully meeting your needs. Be open to change and know that it is ok to build up a ‘portfolio’ of different spiritual beliefs and skills.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont